As delicate as gossamer, yet strong enough to span vast oceans, the wings of a dragonfly embody both fragility and fortitude. Our dragonfly wings serve as a poignant reminder that our vulnerabilities often conceal our greatest strengths.
Carefully crafted from genuine dragonfly wings, they are a testament to the harmonious interplay of strength and grace.
Cast from a real dragonfly’s wings, this statement pendant is bursting with intricate texture. The double wings add beautiful movement to your outfit, perfect for dressing up a simple top.
Size: ~ 37mm.
- Sterling silver or bronze
- Available in 14k gold upon request
- Made from sustainably-sourced precious metals
- Chains sold separately
- For a ‘set’ of wings, please order two singles
- Made from sustainably-sourced precious metals
- We recommend chain length 18" and above for large pendants
- Handmade in Revelstoke, BC
Chains sold separately.